Friday, December 09, 2005

Overhaul At The Altar!

This is a testimony that we received this week.

A young lady heard from a friend that she needed to visit a "weird church" in Woodstock, (wonder who?) complete with a cappucino bar. When she attended the service, she was called out during the meeting and asked to come forward and receive a prophetic word. She later said that
her head was telling her "NO!" but her legs were walking up there anyway. As she got closer to the front she began to get drunk in the Spirit and thought "there might be something to this".

She received an accurate word of knowledge and prophecy and later said that she opened her mouth to say "thank you" and out poured tongues!! She then felt herself "falling out" and couldn't stop it. She is a BELIEVER NOW! Not only was the word right, but she was baptized in the Holy Spirit as she stood there!!

Spirit of Death Stopped In Its' Tracks!

Here's a cool testimony from something that started 3 years ago!

3 years ago, Pastor Marc was ministering in a church in Gastonia, NorthCarolina. While visiting, he prayed and prophesied over a prayer cloth for a lady who had suffered through 10+ miscarriages at that point and thought she could never get pregnant. Well, they did have one more miscarriage but got pregnant 9 months ago and had the baby this week and went home from the hospital yesterday. It was their 12th attempt!

They had the pastor of the church call because they wanted Pastor Marc to know that they believe it was the anointed prayer cloth that stopped the spirit of death from operating and brought new life in their baby, who they finally brought home this week.

Praise God!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Blind See and the Deaf Hear!

These are a couple of testimonies from a recent ministry trip that Pastor Marc made to a church in LaGrande, Oregon.

A 58 year old Vietnam vet was at the meeting who had lost over 80% hearing in his right ear and 40% in his left ear and was nearly deaf. After prayer, the next week he received a phone call and instead of putting the phone to his working left ear, he put it to his non working right. He discovered he could hear perfectly in both ears!

An older lady was also in the meeting who had vision loss in both eyes but especially in one. Later that week she was to go to an eye doctor to see what they could do for her vision and the Ophthalmologist discovered her eyesight was perfectly normal and didn't understand how it could have changed so drastically! She can see fine!

Miracle Weight Loss!

This is the testimony from one of our street teams, out and about in the neighborhoods surrounding Woodstock.

Earlier in the week, we went to visit some believers in a neighborhood we have been in several times before. We met up with a girl that we hadn’t seen for about a month and started asking how she was. Last month, we had the awesome privilege of leading her to Jesus. Her story was remarkable in that she had suffered a bunch of sexual abuse at the hands of her father and several other men. She was emotionally devastated and totally wrapped up in anger and unforgiveness. We spoke to her about the Lord’s forgiveness and she gave her life to Jesus and got powerfully delivered from the anger and bitterness. What we didn’t know and just found out is that after she met the Lord and we went home, she got on the phone and confronted all of the men that had raped and abused her, even her father. While she was on the phone, she released forgiveness, let go of her anger and told us that she felt 100lbs. lighter! That’s not unusual as we have seen many people after deliverance remark that they felt lighter.

What was unusual is what happened over the next thirty two days. We had not had the chance to meet up with her in a little over a month and finally got in touch with her. When we met with her, her voice was different, her countenance was different and she was beaming! We couldn’t quite place the dramatic change, but found out when her sister (who has yet to meet the Lord) told us what was going on. Get this, in thirty two days; she had lost over 50 pounds! That’s over one and a half pounds a day! We asked her about her diet and she told us that she was eating, just not as much as she used to, but the pounds were just falling off of her! This was a witness to the rest of the family and her sister was remarking about the power of God, even to lose weight! This opened the door for us to come back and have a house church with their family. Good fruit!

Cataracts Dissolved!

This is the testimony from one of our street teams that recently went to a local hospital to see the Kingdom of God break out.

We walked by an elderly woman in a wheelchair, being pushed by a younger woman that we later found out to be her daughter. We asked the older lady why she was in the wheelchair and she told us that she had severe asthma that caused her to lose her breath when she would walk, thus confining her to the chair. We told her about the Kingdom of God and asked if we could pray for her. She agreed and while praying, my buddy Brian got a word of knowledge and asked her if she had diabetes. She nods yes. So we go to work, calling the fire and power of God to heal the asthma and drive out diabetes and suddenly her eyes opened up real wide. Right in front of our eyes, we watched her eyes go from a milky blue to a bright, clear blue. She started exclaiming, “I can see! I can see!” Brian and I looked at each other and asked her, “What’s going on with your eyes?” She starts saying, “The sky is blue! The sky, it’s so blue!” Come to find out, she had cataracts and couldn’t see, but as we prayed for the asthma and diabetes, the Lord opened her eyes! I guarantee you that we were as surprised as she was!

We’re getting used to seeing God answer prayer, but it’s a new experience for God to heal someone of something we weren’t even asking for!

Revival At The Airport!

This is the testimony from Pastor Marc of an outbreak of the Kingdom during a layover in the San Francisco airport.

When I was recently flying out of the SF airport they announced my plane was cancelled. I would be stuck in the terminal for around 6 hours. Initially I was somewhat irritated, and then I thought: The Lord must want to bring His power to somebody in this terminal. I walked around the terminal and prayed for a lady I noticed who had a bad ankle and was walking with a limp when I entered. She allowed me to pray for her ankle and the fire of God came on here and some pain left, but that was about it. I kept my eyes out for somebody to minister to.

Then I noticed a middle-aged man, his mother and another lady his age with bags from Kauai. I used the Kauai bag as an entrance point to a conversation, then after a few minutes, asked him why he was in the wheel chair? He said it was some disease he has since he was four. I told him that the Lord wanted him to live a normal life of walking and to be out of the wheel chair. He agreed to let me pray so when I did, his face got flush red and power went into him. I asked him to get out and see if he could do something he had not done before. He moved his legs then stood up. I asked him if he had walked recently but needed the wheelchair as he got fatigued. I told him to ditch his wheelchair. He walked a little then sat down. Then his mother and cousin chimed in to our conversation. His mother said, "I believe in God and had a dream about Jesus and the cross. I interpreted it for her; she started crying and said she wanted Jesus! Then the cousin said, "We were talking earlier that there are many ways to heaven and to God". I said "NO, you are wrong! Jesus is the only way to heaven and none of the others: Mohammed, Buddha or Krishna were ever raised from the dead!" She immediately agreed. Then I got a word of knowledge for the cousin of the man that she was embittered because her children had been on drugs had hurt her so badly and that she must forgive them. She started crying and agreed!

Within a few seconds I was leading her to renounce her bitterness and forgive her kids, then prayed for her to invite Jesus in! The mom of the man asked if she could pray, then the man in the wheelchair was now crying and grabbing my shirt, was asking me to pray for him too! Three people were sobbing and wanting Jesus right there in the SF connection terminal. I had them all pray and invite Jesus in and they all were fire-red in the face, crying and sobbing. They kept thanking me and saying that they saw God on me. I told them I was not an angel but the Lord visited them all today!

Dead Baby Lives!

This is the testimony from a Pastor in LaGrande, Oregon, where Pastor Marc was just ministering.

I wanted to tell you about an amazing miracle that happened here recently. Tiffany (from youth group...shorter & fiery red hair) heard some rumors about a friend of her's being pregnant. When she asked her about it, the girl was very upset b/c she had just found out that she had many cysts on her ovaries and that they could not find the babies heartbeat and that the baby was dead. Tiffany talked to her and then prayed for her that cysts would be gone and the baby would live. When the girl when to a specialist so they could figure out how to flush the fetus out of her body they first did an ultrasound and found that not only were her ovaries just fine with no cysts but the baby was alive and well...well enough to not hold still for the ultrasound!

Jesus is alive!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Fibromyalgia Healed!

A lady in our church regularly walks her neighborhood, praying for a release of God's Kingdom. While walking one day, she ran into a lady who was nearly incapacitated from fibromyalgia. She simply prayed that the Kingdom of God would come into her body and blssed her. A couple weeks later, she received a knock on her door. It was the lady she had prayed for testifying that she is now totally healed and has no pain!

Since that time, others in the neighborhood have come to her house, asking for healing and a word from God.

Thank you Jesus!

Acid Reflux Healed!

Here is the testimony of a lady who was recently healed while attending a church meeting:

I got healed from Acid Reflux at Northgate last Sunday. Praise the Lord!!!

A couple on the ministry team prayed for me and I felt a nice warm heat saturate my stomach area and head. It was so soothing! One of them got a word that it was tied to Satan wreaking havoc and also trying to keep me from easily digesting God’s Word. Previously, I was getting up 2 times a night and downing all kinds of meds trying to get relief. I have lived with this condition for 3 years and the last 6 months have felt horrible to the point that I made a Gastro appointment last Thursday and now I can cancel it.

Praise the Lord!!!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Severe Pain Obliterated!

An elderly woman in one of the neighborhoods that our Harvest Teams are in reported having chronic, severe pain from sciatica for over a month. The pain was so intense and the drugs she was taking didn’t even take the edge off. This left her literally despairing of life.

The teams had already prayed for her twice, without any change in her condition whatsoever. On the third time however, everything changed. After praying for her for the third time she reported that the night after receiving prayer, she slept through the night for the first time in a month and woke up pain free! Still, after ten days, she has not had one sensation of pain in her lower back and her outlook has completely changed!

Asthma Healed!

One of our Harvest teams invaded a local neighborhood and had the opportunity to pray for an entire family of unbelievers. One of the young ladies in the family had a severe problem with asthma. She was on daily medication, in addition to an inhaler for asthma attacks. She told the team that she even had difficulty walking up the 5 stairs on their front porch and would have to use an inhaler if she took the stairs.

Two weeks later, the team returned and got a fantastic report. She walked up to one of the team members and said, "Remember when you prayed for my asthma? Well, it worked!" "What do you mean?" the team replied. "Last week in PE, I was able to run two miles without needing even one puff on my inhaler!"

Praise God!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Broken Foot Healed!

An outreach team from our church recently attended a local high school football game, looking for opportunities to see the Kingdom of God come with power. They were not disappointed!

A young man went hobbling by with a cast on his foot and a couple of the team members approached him and asked if they could pray for his foot. He agreed, but was quite skeptical. He had pain in his foot and had very little mobility in the foot and ankle as a result of the injury. The team prayed simply that the Kingdom of God would come into his foot and all pain left his foot immediately. They asked him to try it out and he stamped his foot on the ground with no pain whatsoever! He also tried the mobility which was perfect!

A small crowd of 20-30 people gathered while the team preached the Gospel of the Kingdom, not only in word, but in demonstration.

Answered Prayer Leads to Salvation!

Recently, one of our outreach teams was in a local neighborhood and got the opportunity to pray for several people. When they first arrived, one of the team members received a word of knowledge about a shoulder problem. One of the men there had the shoulder problem that was described and received an instant miracle as God healed his shoulder.

Surprised that God answered prayer, he then asked the team to please pray for a friend of his who had been missing for several weeks. This lady's car was wrecked on the side of the road in the North Georgia Mountains, but she was nowhere to be found. The team prayed for the girl and a person in the group prophesied that she would be back by that time the next day.

Several weeks later, we returned to the nighborhood and heard the follow up story. The following day, the missing lady had suddenly turned up unharmed. This answered prayer, coupled with the healing in the gentleman's shoulder caused him to believe in the Gospel and give his life to Jesus!

The Crippled Walk!

Last week, an outreach team fromt he church went to a little public park in Atlanta that the locals call “Big Head” park. It’s a place where lots of homeless, prostitutes and drug addicts gather. Two weeks beforethey had been there and a couple guys from the group had prayed for a guy in a wheelchair. He had severe scoliosis and some other problems that had left him without the ability to walk. While praying for him, our guys tried several times to pull him out of his wheelchair and get him to stand, which he could not do. This week, one of the first things our team sees is the guy in the wheelchair as he goes rolling past us. He rolls out to the center of the park and we see him stand up out of his wheelchair and start to walk!

The next day after the team prayed, he had strength and was able to walk and has been walking perfectly fine ever since! The team asked him for his wheelchair since he doesn’t need it anymore, but he wouldn’t part with it, saying that it’s much easier to get around on wheels!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Miracles In Kentucky!

Pastor Marc was invited to be on the ministry team with Ray Hughes and the Selah Band at a healing meeting in Somerset Kentucky on July 8th. The following two significant healings occurred after prayer:

- A 4 year old girl who had never spoken received prayer and 48 hours later she started speaking for the first time in her life!

- As the ministry team was walking out the door, we prayed for an older lady brought by her daughter for prayer to be healed of cancer. She went to the doctor within a few weeks after tests and they could find nothing!

Praise God.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Jesus Knits Broken Bones!

This is the testimony we received this week from someone in our congregation:

I received a call on Tuesday morning from a friend who owns a sign company. He was out of town but just received news that one of his employees was injured in a work related accident. An awning from a sign that weighed a couple hundred pounds had come loose from the wall it was attached to, fell on him and knocked him from the ladder he was standing on. He was knocked unconscious and the paramedics were called. They rushed him to the emergency room, where he was in intense pain and disoriented. The attending physician diagnosed him with a broken collar bone, a broken arm and perhaps a broken shoulder. They put him on morphine and ordered some x-rays to see how bad the damage was.

This is where we come in. We get a call right after he arrived at the hospital, asking us to go and pray for him. Another brother and I head over there and I call a friend on the way, asking him to meet us. We get in to see him, pray for him for about two minutes and simply decree that there will be no broken bones, only some bruising. As we are walking out, the other brother I called came walking in. He walked in and prayed along the same lines. But here’s the good part.

Barely more than an hour later, we get a phone call saying that they just got the x-rays back and he has NO BROKEN BONES and they were sending him home with some pain relievers for the bruising!

Get that! Jesus knits broken bones!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Healing for Breakfast!

Several folks from the church we eating breakfast at a local breakfast shop and had this testimony:

Friday started well with a healing at breakfast. We see an elderly guy come in to the bagel place we’re at with a neck brace and a brace on his arm. Come to find out, he has broken his wrist a couple weeks before and had a severe neck injury ten years before. He is in pain with both. We start to pray for him and his wrist gets totally healed! No pain, full movement and he has a solid grip! His wife is tearing up and he’s just bewildered! They begin to pray for his neck and he feels the power of God moving in his neck. They get him to take off his brace and he has NO PAIN! He gets great mobility and is sitting there with breakfast on the table turning his head up, down, left and right, all with no pain! The scene was awesome, he’s sitting there with food on the table and a wrist brace and a neck brace next to his food.

Jesus is King!

Shrinking and Disappearing Tumors!

A lady in our church recently had this experience:

A couple months ago, a lady at work asked me to pray for a baby that she knew. The baby had two tumors. One was on its' spine and another one that was the size of a baseball on its' brain. The doctors had told the family that they were both cancer and inoperable.

I tried to get in to pray for the baby, but the family wanted privacy. They had heard what a blessed hanky was (Acts 19:11), so I sent one over through my co-worker and told her it would be fine... and then I told her, "We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony" (Revelation 12:11) and then shared a personal testimony of God's healing power.

So, a couple weeks later, my co-worker came up to me with tears in her eyes. She said that she had good news! The baby was better. The baseball sized tumor had shrunk down to the size of a dime and the one on its' spine was completely gone!!!

We were both teary eyed and had chill bumps on our arms. We talked about how wonderful Jesus was and both agreed that the other tumor would continue to shrink until it's gone!

Jesus is King over everything...

Friday, June 17, 2005

Wrist Healed In Supermarket!

A family in our church had just come from a movie and was heading to the supermarket to pick a few things up before going home. In the check out line was an older gentleman with a wrist brace on. They asked him what was wrong, knowing that whatever it was, Jesus could heal it. The gentleman said that he sprained his wrist a while ago, and since then it has always hurt.

They asked him to rate the pain on a scale of 0-10, 10 being extreme pain and 0 being no pain whatsoever. He said it was about a seven. They explained to him that they have been seeing many miraculous healings, and asked if they could pray for him. He was quite reluctant, seeing as he was trying to work, but nonetheless agreed. They prayed for about 30 seconds and then asked him if he felt a change in his wrist. He said it was “hot and tingly”, and the pain was not as intense. He then rated the pain at a 3. They prayed again and asked him how his wrist felt. This time he got a very surprised look on his face and said that all the pain was gone!

He kept moving his wrist around because he was so surprised, and then he proceeded to take off his brace and continue working.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Broken Ankle Healed!

A family in our church headed out to the supermarket to get some ice cream. As they were walking out the door, a girl was hobbling in with a big brace on her ankle. They asked her what was wrong with her ankle and found out that she had broken it two weeks prior. They told her about the awesome miracles that we’ve been seeing lately and asked her if they could rpay for her. She quickly agreed.

They asked her to rate the pain from 1 to 10, with ten being extreme pain and 0 being no pain. The young lady rated it at an 8 or 9. They laid hands on the ankle and prayed for about a minute. After a minute, they asked her to check it and rate the pain again. She said it was getting really hot and rated the pain at a 3 or 4.

They prayed one more time and she remarked about how hot it was getting. She started walking back and forth and said, “Wow! It doesn’t hurt anymore!” They asked her to try walking without the brace and she reluctantly agreed. She took the brace off and started walking very gently but then realized that all the pain was gone! So she started walking back and forth, doing random little things to test her ankle, and she was able to do everything she tried!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Baby Raised From The Dead!

A house mommy in the church received a call from her brother and sister in law, inviting her into the delivery room for the birth of their first baby. As the baby was crowning, the nurses told her brother that the Doctor was delayed and the nurse would have to deliver the baby. The nurse was concerned because she had never before delivered a baby.

As the baby’s head came out, they saw that the cord was wrapped around the baby’s neck. The nurse went to put her finger under the cord so that she could cut it and could not even get her finger under there as it was wrapped twice around her neck and was very tight. She finally was able to cut the cord off and she pulled the baby out. The baby was completely purple and gray and totally lifeless, not breathing at all. The nurse turned to our mommy and her brother and said “she is not alive”. The baby was pronounced dead on arrival.

The nurse took the baby over to a table in the room and hooked her up to some oxygen and began to try to revive her, but then looked again and said, "It's no use, she is gone. She is dead." Our mommy walked over behind the table and reached her finger in and touched the baby. She said, "In Jesus Name, I speak life to you, you will live in Jesus name." Immediately the baby jerked her head back and looked over at her and smiled! The nurses and Doctor who had just come in stood there in complete shock and said, "She was dead, she was not alive, she was not breathing." Our mommy said, "I know but Jesus brought her back to life."

She is home, happy and healthy to this day.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Miraculous Roadside Recovery!

A teenager in our church was on his way to fill out a job application. As he was driving, he saw on the side of a busy highway a young man pushing an older woman in a wheelchair. At first he kept driving, but the Holy Spirit sent him back. He turned around, parked in a Baptist Church parking lot and walked towards the older woman on the side of the road.

He asked them why she was in a wheelchair and she told him that she had been diagnosed with Parkinson's. She also had severe rheumatoid arthritis in her legs and arms that prohibited her from walking. The young man from our church told them that the Lord had sent him there to set her free of her diseases and asked if he could pray. The older lady quickly agreed.

He started to pray for her, commanding the Parkinson’s to go. After I prayed for her, he asked the woman to stand up out of her wheelchair. She stood up and walked 3 steps on the sidewalk and when she did that, her grandson had this surprised look on his face. He said “Grandma, I’ve never seen you walk like this before!” She was still shaking in her arms and legs, so he prayed for her again. After praying for her again, he looked at her hands and feet. They went from shaking like a fish on dry land, to COMPLETELY still! Her grandson gave her a hug, and then felt her hands and said, “Grandma, your shaking is gone. Your shaking is gone!” Then she said, “I can’t believe this, I’m not shaking anymore!”

They were all astounded that the Lord had been so good to them and started shouting and praising the Lord, right there on the side of the road during rush hour! As our teenager was heading back to his car, he looked behind him and saw Grandma pushing her own wheelchair!

Friday, May 20, 2005

Healing At Business Meeting!

Two young ladies from our church were attending a business function for their Dad's business. They were at a hotel in downtown Atlanta and looking for an opportunity for the Kingdom of God to invade.

They saw a young man walk through the lobby hobbling on crutches. They went over to him and found out that he had a sprained ankle and no sensation in his foot since the injury. They asked him if they could pray for him and he agreed. Before they prayed, he rated the pain and discomfort at a 7, with ten being the worst and 0 being the best. So they laid their hands on his ankle and commanded all pain to go, and all feeling to return to his foot in the name of Jesus. Immediately his countenance changed, and he got really wide eyed and said, “Oh my God I can feel my foot!” They asked him to rate the pain again, but he never did because he was so dumbfounded. to invade where they were.

They prayed again for the swelling in his ankle to go down and for total mobility to return. The swelling went down right before their eyes! He started walking around, saying, “Oh my God, thank you!” They prayed one last time for total and complete healing, because he was still limping a little bit. The whole time we were praying he was saying, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!” By the time we were done praying Jesus had totally healed him! He was walking around without his crutches and jumping up and down.

He continued to tell them how he had just gotten back from serving in Iraq a month ago and how ever since he has been back his view of Jesus, America, and people in general had been very pessimistic. “You don’t understand this is the best thing that has happened to me since I have been back, thank you!” he said.

He thanked them again, and left. The girls were so excited about what Jesus had done that they ran back into the hotel and interrupted the business meeting to tell their parents. As they told the story everyone in the business meeting gathered around listening intently. The guy who got healed walked in and started telling everyone his testimony himself and showing them how he could now walk and also jump up and down. When he was done telling everyone, the girls pulled him aside and asked him if they could have his crutches since he obviously no longer needed them. He said yes, gave them his crutches and walked away completely healed!

Anytime you want to see the crutches, stop by the church.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Hepatitis C Healed!

A house mommy in our church was given the news that her good friend was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. The symptoms had started to affect her everyday life and interrupt her work and schooling. She called her friend in our church to seek advice and comfort. The advice she was given was simple, "Jesus loves you and will heal you" and was then prayed for, by her friend and at church one Sunday morning.

About one month later, feeling a difference in her body, she went to the doctor to get re-tested, ahead of her normally scheduled appointment. The results of her test came in and showed that there was not a trace of the disease in her body. SHE WAS HEALED!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Multitudes of Healing and Financial Miracles!

During two ministry trips in one weeks time, we saw MANY healing and financial miracles released in a very short period of time.

Healing Miracles

  • 24 year old lady with deafness and ringing in her right ear received complete healing.
  • 75 year old woman was healed of arthritis in her hands. She was unable to make a fist without pain and can now make fists with no pain.
  • 19 year old rodeo rider with severe back pain from a broken back received prayer and now the pain is totally gone and all flexibility restored.
  • 13 year old girl with severe ear problems and fluid build up, with blocked hearing received prayer and now all symptoms have cleared up.
  • 28 year old woman diagnosed with cervical cancer received prayer and after having new tests, all the cancer is gone!
  • 48 year old woman with limited motion in her back now has full mobility and no pain.
  • 58 year old man with ringing and hearing problems in his right ear is now completely healed.
  • 36 year old woman with growths in her upper arms prohibiting circulation in her hands received an instant miracle as God dissolved the growths, restoring circulation to her hands!
  • 52 year old woman received an instant miracle as pain from a car accident over 20 years ago disappeared immediately!

Financial Miracles
  • Eighth grade girl was presented with a full college scholarship after her parents received prayer for financial blessing.
  • 44 year old woman was named outstanding insurance rep in area and has an influx of new clients after receiving prayer for financial blessing.
  • 45 year old man was blessed with a new business that is prospering beyond targeted range after receiving prayer for financial blessing.
  • 50 year old woman received $396.00 in mail from the government’s found money dept. after receiving prayer for financial blessing.
  • 30 year old man was willed land from a distant relative after receiving prayer for financial blessing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Healed Through a Prophetic Word!

While on a ministry trip in Nashville, several people from the church prayed for a relative of someone in the church. He had some problems with addiction, Emphysema, Asthma, High Blood Pressure, Liver Disease and Hepatitis C. When prayed for, he felt heat over his chest. Someone on the team prophesied that the Lord would heal him, but that he would have to stop smoking first. Over a period of a couple months, he was getting a lot worse. In fact, it got so bad that he was no longer responding to breathing treatments. The doctors told him that there was nothing more they could do because his lungs were almost completely deteriorated. The doctor rated his lung capacity at 0% and he was referred to a pulmonologist.

After the report from the doctors, his girlfriend told him that she wouldn’t buy him cigarettes anymore. Immediately after giving up cigarettes, he started vomiting and coughing up a bunch of junk. Soon after, he went to the pulmonologist; the appointment was to get him set up on oxygen at home. After examining him, the doctor told him that he didn’t understand what was going on. The doctor told him that he had never seen a case like his before. The doctor told him that emphysema didn’t go away just because you stopped smoking, there is no cure. The doctor then told him that he no longer had asthma or emphysema and that his lung capacity was 84% !!

After that appointment, he went to back to his liver specialist for further tests on his liver disease and Hepatitis C. At his last visit, his enzyme level was at 9000 (dangerously, deathly high). They checked him yesterday and he was negative zero! They told him that they didn’t know why, but he is showing absolutely no symptoms whatsoever of Hepatitis C! They drew five tubes of blood and are doing a bunch of tests to try and explain.

When he heard this report, he remembered what was prophesied several months earlier (the Lord would heal him, but that he would have to stop smoking first) and was speechless.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Healed Through Anointed Handkerchief!

A lady in our church who is a postal worker heard at work that a coworker's brother was in the Hospital. The Doctors had told him that his leg was eaten up with cancer and impetigo (a nasty bacterial infection) and that he was going to lose it. He was in an auto accident three years ago and had rods and pins in his leg. It never healed properly and would get infected from time to time. Hearing the story from her coworker, she prayed over a handkerchief (Acts 19:11-12) and told the man's sister to put it on the leg and command the cancer to come out in Jesus name. This was on Saturday.

When she saw the man in the hospital's sister on Monday, she was told that it must have worked! The man's sister placed the handkerchief on the leg and commanded the cancer to come out, in Jesus name. Immediately after prayer, a piece of diseased skin fell off the leg wound and it began to fester and spurt what looked like mold and mildew. This continued for over a day. The Doctors decided to put him in a whirlpool to speed the drainage and cleaned the wound. The test results came back in confirming the presence of cancer, but after it drained out and after dressing the wound, the doctors believed it was gone.

They sent him home the next day, cancer and impetigo free!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Arthritic Knee Healed!

During a recent Saturday morning outreach while we were praying for a man with an injured leg, a lady went limping by, stopped and was watching intently. She wanted in on the power of God! The man with the injured leg was healed and went happily hopping down the sidewalk, moving his newly healed leg all around. “My leg is hurt too” she said. We gave her the good news of the kingdom and told her that what happened to this guy could happen to her too. Her left knee was all swollen and stiff with rheumatoid arthritis; she told us that it hurts all the time and sometimes she can barely even walk. “Let’s pray” we told her. We started to pray and in about 3 minutes, her leg was completely healed! All the pain, swelling and stiffness were completely gone! “Wow! Thank you so much”. She promised us that she was a believer and also that she would give away what God had given her.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Leg Injury Healed!

During a Saturday morning Outreach, a man with a cane and a very noticeable limp walked towards us, we went over to him and asked him what’s wrong. “My leg” he told us. “What, do you have pain?” we asked him. “All the time” he said. We asked if we could pray for him and he agreed. We told him that God’s Kingdom, or rule and reign was on the earth and that Jesus is King! He heartily agreed and claimed to be a believer. “You’ve heard the Lord’s Prayer then?” we asked him. “Sure” he replied. “In the Lord’s prayer, Jesus asked His Father, let Your kingdom come and Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. You want to go to Heaven because you know that when you get there, you won’t have any pain, right?” Yup. “Well, Jesus prayed that Heaven would come to earth. If He has His way, your fell no pain, right now”. “Ok” he agreed.

So, we began to pray, “In Jesus name, be healed!” We asked him how it was and he told us that it was 60% better. “Well, 60% in one minute is pretty good, I wonder how we could do if we prayed for two minutes. Let’s pray again”. We continued to pray and asked him a minute later how it was, “About 90%”, he said. Almost there! We prayed one last time and a smile broke out across his face. “Check it”, we told him. “It’s better!” he said. All of the pain had left his leg and he was ecstatic! He started moving and checking it, walking up and down the sidewalk.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Leukemia Healed!

On outreach one night, we were informed of the condition of a young man. He was 17 years old, a star basketball player for a high school and was in the hospital, dying of leukemia. The school had raised over $160,000 to help his family pay off their medical bills. Everyone in the school knew about him and his condition. Over a period of about 5-6 weeks, several teams of people from the church went and prayed healing for him in his ICU room at the hospital. On the first meeting, one of the nurses told our group, "If God doesn't do a miracle, he won't make it".

Fast forward several weeks later. We are back in the parking lot on outreach when we see the guy who told us about the young man dying in the hospital. A huge smile crept across his face, “Remember that boy you went to pray for at the hospital? He is completely cancer free! They announced it over the school PA system, they told everyone! We told a bunch of people about you guys going down there to pray for him, but they didn’t believe anything would happen. One girl told us, I’ll believe it when I see it. She and I were in the same room when the announcement came over the PA. She looked right at me and her mouth fell open!"

As a result of this miracle, a whole group of young men and women (20-30) rededicated their lives to the Lord and started attending their local churches once again.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Heart Condition Healed!

A 19 year old young man was approached during one of our outreaches. He had severe heart disease that had clogged one of his main arteries and he also had dangerously high cholesterol. He was going in for tests in a couple weeks to decide on treatment for his condition. We asked him if we could pray for him and he agreed. We simply laid hands on him and said, “In Jesus’ name, be healed”. We them told him that when the doctors check it, they would find nothing wrong with him.

Several weeks later, on another outreach, we saw this young man. We walked right up to him and a group of guys he was with. He had a big smile across his face. "I went to the doctor, they did my blood work and checked my heart. There is no blockage in my arteries and my blood work is perfectly normal! There is nothing wrong with my heart!” We jumped, we screamed and we shouted! Thank you Jesus for showing yourself to these guys!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Ankle Instantly Healed!

A team from the church went out to a local hospital to pray for the sick and minister to the needy. A young man walked by the group with a noticeable limp. They went up to him and asked him what was wrong. It was a sprained ankle, swollen, with a good deal of pain. They asked him which ankle was hurt. It was his left ankle. They prayed a simple prayer, commanding all pain and inflammation to leave and commanding the fire and anointing of God to come into His foot. After a minute, they told him to check it. He started to walk… without any limp at all! He took a few steps, pain free. He turned around, looked at the group with the most surprised look you can imagine, eyes as big as baseballs, mouth held wide open while he repeated over and over, “What the !@#$? did you do to my foot?” “Nothing, Jesus did it!" they assured him. But he would not be consoled. He was absolutely flabbergasted that his ankle was healed.

A couple guys in the group walked over to him and talked with him, preaching the gospel and telling him that Jesus is King. He was convinced; the power of God did its job. In just a couple minutes of talking, he gave his life to Jesus and got powerfully touched by the Holy Ghost.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Sprained Ankle Healed!

During a Friday night Youth Outreach, we were asked to pray for a young man with an ankle injury. He had badly sprained the ankle at a basketball game, couldn’t walk without limping greatly and was in a lot of pain. We asked if we could pray for him and the guy said, “Sure”.

Before we pray, we ask him to rate the pain and discomfort on a scale from one to ten, with ten being the highest and 1 being the lowest, his pain is at a ten right now. We ask him to demonstrate how he can walk. He trudges off, takes a few painful steps and has a major limp, we get him back over to the truck and pray, “In the Name of Jesus, be healed!” We tell the kid to check it out. He takes a few steps with a noticeable difference in his walk. We ask him to rate the pain and he says, “It's a six”. We say, “Ok! 40% healing in two minutes, let’s pray again!” He comes back over to the truck and we start to pray again. We pray for a minute or two and tell the kid to check it again. This time, he walks with almost no limp at all! We ask him to rate the pain and he quietly answers, “It’s a 4”.

Two of his unbelieving friends walk up to him and ask him if he is just faking it. The kid with the hurt ankle looks at them, perfectly serious and says, “No guys, it feels SO much better, there’s almost no pain at all”. We pray a third time and ask the kid how his ankle is and he rates it a 3. He says that there isn’t any more pain, just the ligaments are stiff. Totally freaked out, the kid with the hurt ankle gets in his truck and takes off!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Drug Addiction, Liver Failure and Insomnia Healed!

Two brothers from the church were called in to pray for the mother of someone that had attended the church. Not knowing what was wrong with her, they went and found her in the Critical Care Unit of a local hospital. She was in terrible condition, dying of liver failure, due to years of drug and alcohol abuse. She also had suffered with insomnia for years. Immediately, the brothers started praying for healing and the power ofGod descended in the hospital room. She felt the fire of God come into her body and gave her life to Jesus on the spot. While praying, the peace of God came on her and she fell to sleep under their hands!

The next day, she woke up energetic after her first nights sleep in over a decade. The doctors did an enzyme test on her liver and it came back normal! As she was preparing to leave the hospital, she realized that she was not even thinking about drugs. She walked out of the hospital the next day, with a brand new liver and without the addiction she had struggled with for over 25 years.