Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Osteoarthritis HEALED!

Recently, one of our church members was returning home after work and saw a lady standing on the side of the road, looking very confused. When he inquired what she needed, she burst into tears with the story of physical infirmity and her poverty. Giving her a ride back to her home, he found out that she had colon cancer and crippling osteoarthritis, being in horrible pain. She had just walked in that condition to pawn her valuables to buy groceries and was in terrible shape. Not wanting to be insensitive, but also know what was about to happen, he exclaimed, "Honey, today is a good day for you!"

After explaining the Kingdom of God to her and it's nearness to her problems, he interviewed her and she rated her pain from the osteoarthritis at a 10 on a 10 level pain scale. "Watch this" he said and be began to pray that the Kingdom would come into her body. The power of God gave her a jolt and she exclaimed, "What did you do!?" After checking, ALL THE PAIN WAS GONE! When asked what happened she said,
“All the pain left when the goose bumps came!”

All things are possible!