Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Neighborhood Transformed!

*This is from one of our outreach teams that has been working a particular neighborhood for the last couple of years.

"The big news is the impact we are having on this place. We were talking with one lady tonight who has lived in the neighborhood for 8 years. She said the neighborhood had really changed. The drug dealers are gone and there are just a few gang types that like to act up at night. I asked her, "When did things change?" She said about a year ago. I told her that we are to blame for the change--we are finishing up our 2nd year in their neighborhood. We have been calling in the Kingdom into every life there and it is being transformed.

The kids in the neighborhood ask their moms if their can go around with us, so we have a lot of the kids in there praying with us and holding hands and hugging us the whole time we are there. We are taking over a life at a time. It seems slow as we go, but I know it will snow ball one day. I am pumped!"