Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Arthritis Destroyed!

An outreach team was in a local neighborhood preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and ran into a lady that needed prayer for cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. They preached the kingdom to her, prophesied, and prayed. Then they asked her if there was anyone else who needed prayer in the house. She called her boyfriend in the room and before he could say anything they told him why they were there. They told him that Jesus was King and His Kingdom was on the earth and they wanted to prove that to him. The man was quiet at first, but after he received some prophetic words he opened up and told them that he had pain in his right leg all the time due to arthritis.

They then asked him to rate the pain on a scale of 1 to 10 and he said it was a 4. They instructed him to put his hand on wherever he felt the pain and while he was holding his foot they commanded all the pain to go and the arthritis to die from a few feet away. All the pain in his foot left instantly! He tried several times to find it but it NEVER came back.

He was amazed at the power of God!