Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Tumor Disappears!

From an outreach team in Jonesboro, GA:

A few months ago we had the chance to minister to a lady in Jonesboro, GA. At first she didn't seem interested in hearing what we had to say but after some specific words of knowledge we led her and her son to the Lord. For a while now, we have been discipling this single mother of four. We noticed during one of our visits that she was losing weight. She told us she had a tumor and needed surgery. We prayed for her many times and her health improved but the tumor remained.

She works two jobs to keep food on the table so one afternoon we brought dinner to give her a rest. After pizza we prayed again. The fire of God came on her and she said that she felt hot all over. From that day all her symptoms disappeared and the tumor is no where to be found!