Thursday, May 06, 2010

Miracles Over The Phone!

*Submitted by Tamra Erisman:

The Lord told me to call my friend when I did I found that she had been battling pain that went beyond a "10" and was in her car on her way to see a pain specialist. I began to share with her about our ministry teams that go out on Tuesdays and as I shared with her, all of a sudden I began to pray and command the pain to go, healing to take place in her body. The Holy Ghost came on both of us and we both had to pull over (we were both driving). She got to the doctors office and had nothing to tell him but that her body was tingling all over. She went to the grocery store after that and the more she walked, the more the tingling began to settle in her legs, she ran through the store and was so excited she left her groceries...haha!!

Later that day when I called to find out how she was doing, she told me her story and then began to share with me about a four month old baby she was watching whose left arm was paralyzed and her hand was closed since she was born. I began to share with her that we have handkerchiefs I could pray over and give to her for the baby, and as I shared, healing just came out and as I began to pray, (she had me on speaker phone) the baby's eyes were fixed on the phone and her little hand began to open up and she began to move her arm.... My friend started screaming and crying and laughing as her little arm began to function. In fact, the baby grabbed her finger and wouldn't let go.
