Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Right Place, Right Time!

One of our church members was at their work cubicle just like any other normal day when they heard a loud noise and lots of clanging right outside the door near their cubicle. After the clanging, they heard someone groaning in pain. They went out to see what happened and a co-worker had gotten her shoe stuck to the door on her way in, tripped and fell on the concrete floor face first with her lunch meal all over the place! She was laying on the ground and said she had terrible pain in her hips and shoulders and was obviously freaked out by what just happened.

The gentleman from our church looked her right in the eyes and said "I'm going to pray for you and you're going to get better, is that alright?" She said "Please, please!" So he laid hands on her and commanded ALL of the pain to leave her body. As he was praying, several of his other co-workers were also praying for her and one of his hindu co-workers witnessed the whole thing!

After he prayed, she said she felt a lot better and didn't feel anymore pain!! The security team said it was their procedure to check her out before she could get up. They ended up taking her to a clinic to examine her and all she had was a slight bruise from the fall but no more pain!

Come on Jesus!