Monday, May 07, 2007

Miracles At Work!

This is the testimony from a lady at our church who cuts hair and does miracles on the job:

“I'm at work today. Let me give you the background on the client. This client was diagnosed with scoliosis. She is hunched over like a 90 yr old and she is early 40's, she had fibromyalgia, a missing jaw bone, knee's that don't produce fluid....and I can't even
tell you what else....oh and a 14 year old fungus on her toe. She said she is just thankful she can walk and she just figured this was the way God made her. I told her no way, the Lord made her perfect and she didn't have to submit to every sickness/disease that was suggested to her.

So I lay my hands on her back and command it to straightens right before our very eyes...she feels it! She can't believe it...she said she has never stood this straight before. Then I pray for the pain in her leaves. She has me pray for her jaw....she sees it straighten and move better than before. Later...she is still amazed that she can sit up and stands up straight. She wouldn't stop looking in the mirror. She is in tears. Then she wants me to pray for everything...down to her toe nails. So, I do. I prayed for her knees because she can't squat down...hasn't in years...She is squatting....which she said she could not do. She was telling me that she had just told the Lord that she could not wait to get to heaven to be out of her body of pain. I then told her she could have heaven on earth and not wait. She said she was going to go home and walk her dog for the first time in her life. I made her say Jesus is King. She said it and kept thanking me. I must have prayed for at least 8 or 9 ailments. Stay tuned for the reports from the doctors. She kept saying....I hope I stay like this. I can't wait to see what else happens.

Jesus is Lord over every thing. Another prosperous day at many ways. Captives have been set free. I love my job in the Kingdom.”