Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Death Sentence Reversed!

We recently received a phone call from a concerned family member of a young man in his forties, with a wife and five daughters that received a report that he had Stage 4 lung cancer. He then went to a nationally recognized oncology department where he received the grim news that there was nothing they could do. The doctors sent him home to be comfortable and spend his final days with his family.

Upon receiving this report, a team from the church went and prayed for this young man, some 4 hours away. Within a few days of prayer he noticed a remarkable increase in energy and physical strength, even going back to work and getting in a round of golf, both things that he had been unable to do in several months. One week later, he weighed himself and found out that he had gained 8 lbs!

He went to his doctor 3 weeks later and had several tests done, blood work and intensive scans of his lungs. After all of the tests returned normally the doctor came rushing in the exam room holding the scan saying, “The tumor is GONE!” “Your lungs are CLEAR!”

Jesus is King over cancer!