Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Healing Testimony Leads to Healing!

An outreach team was in a local house church meeting preaching and prophesying over several people when the mother of those being ministered too came to them and asked that they pray for her before leaving the house. This lady said she had horrible pain in the right side of her body, specifically right above the hip. The woman told them that when she had her last child the doctors diagnosed her with cervical cancer which ended up being operated on and leaving. However, she was afraid the cancer was coming back. They asked her how much pain she was currently feeling and it was rated at a seven out of ten.

The team asked the woman to put her hand wherever she felt pain and as she did that we prayed, nothing happened. So they began to tell her a testimony from Grady hospital and asked her if they could pray again. So she grabbed their hands and said yes! As they prayed the woman's countenance changed and her expression of pain changed to surprise and joy. After prayer, they asked her to try and find the pain that had plagued her and she could not!

All the pain was gone!