Friday, August 26, 2011

Migraine healed!

During a recent outreach, a team from NorthGate was preaching in a local neighborhood when they met a young man who was suffering from a painful migraine. The young man, while laying down, explained to the team that for the past two days he has been in so much pain that he cannot even lift his head without feeling severe pain. The team prays once and it goes down a little. They pray again and tell him to lift his head, he sits all the way up and say's it doesn't hurt! The team asks the young man where the pain went and he tells them he does not know but it's gone! The mother of the young man then tells the team she needs prayer for a bad headache too. The team prays and all the pain instantly goes! She begins to cry as she informs the team that she does not feel anymore pain.

"Thank you Jesus!"