Thursday, March 22, 2012

Softball Injury Healed!

On a local outreach, a team from Northgate approached a girl who had a huge brace on her right leg. They asked what had happened and she told them it was the result of a softball injury the week before. She told the team that the pain was a 9 on the 1-10 scale and that it hurt even to walk from the sidewalk to the car she was currently sitting in. The team told her that Jesus was King over pain and that He would take away all that pain if she just let them pray. The girl said she did not believe them but let the team pray anyways. The team prayed, commanded all the pain to go and asked her how she felt afterward. As the girl slowly put weight on her leg her entire countenance changed; she started smiling and saying "I'm not lying to you all, it's all gone. I couldn't even do this...I had to have help getting in this car earlier..." She then began to tell all those around her that she was completely healed!

"I'm not lying to you all, it's all gone!"