Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Arthiritis healed and a life transformed!

An outreach team from NorthGate recently was following up with a woman they had prayed for two weeks prior. The woman was named Ruby and was in an electric wheel chair because she had severe arthritis in her back and had a limp leg. She also said that she wanted the team to pray for her son John, who lives in Florida and was in jail at the time and she was very concerned about him.  When the team went to visit Ruby, she greeted the team at the door, STANDING out of her wheel chair! She said that all of the pain in her back has been completely gone since they prayed a couple of weeks ago! Her limp leg was still a little difficult to maneuver she said but she's been managing and it hasn't been nearly as bad. She said that the week after we prayed with her she received a call from her son John saying that he purchased a bicycle and rode it to church that Sunday for the first time in MANY years! He told her that he just realized that he can't keep living the way that he's been since he's been in and out of jail all of his life and doesn't want to live like that anymore. He got filled with the Holy Spirit at the Church service and is now walking with the Lord and going to church even though he has to ride several miles on his bike to get there!

"She greeted the team at the door, STANDING out of her wheel chair!"