Saturday, February 12, 2005

Ankle Instantly Healed!

A team from the church went out to a local hospital to pray for the sick and minister to the needy. A young man walked by the group with a noticeable limp. They went up to him and asked him what was wrong. It was a sprained ankle, swollen, with a good deal of pain. They asked him which ankle was hurt. It was his left ankle. They prayed a simple prayer, commanding all pain and inflammation to leave and commanding the fire and anointing of God to come into His foot. After a minute, they told him to check it. He started to walk… without any limp at all! He took a few steps, pain free. He turned around, looked at the group with the most surprised look you can imagine, eyes as big as baseballs, mouth held wide open while he repeated over and over, “What the !@#$? did you do to my foot?” “Nothing, Jesus did it!" they assured him. But he would not be consoled. He was absolutely flabbergasted that his ankle was healed.

A couple guys in the group walked over to him and talked with him, preaching the gospel and telling him that Jesus is King. He was convinced; the power of God did its job. In just a couple minutes of talking, he gave his life to Jesus and got powerfully touched by the Holy Ghost.