Monday, October 17, 2005

Broken Foot Healed!

An outreach team from our church recently attended a local high school football game, looking for opportunities to see the Kingdom of God come with power. They were not disappointed!

A young man went hobbling by with a cast on his foot and a couple of the team members approached him and asked if they could pray for his foot. He agreed, but was quite skeptical. He had pain in his foot and had very little mobility in the foot and ankle as a result of the injury. The team prayed simply that the Kingdom of God would come into his foot and all pain left his foot immediately. They asked him to try it out and he stamped his foot on the ground with no pain whatsoever! He also tried the mobility which was perfect!

A small crowd of 20-30 people gathered while the team preached the Gospel of the Kingdom, not only in word, but in demonstration.