Monday, October 17, 2005

The Crippled Walk!

Last week, an outreach team fromt he church went to a little public park in Atlanta that the locals call “Big Head” park. It’s a place where lots of homeless, prostitutes and drug addicts gather. Two weeks beforethey had been there and a couple guys from the group had prayed for a guy in a wheelchair. He had severe scoliosis and some other problems that had left him without the ability to walk. While praying for him, our guys tried several times to pull him out of his wheelchair and get him to stand, which he could not do. This week, one of the first things our team sees is the guy in the wheelchair as he goes rolling past us. He rolls out to the center of the park and we see him stand up out of his wheelchair and start to walk!

The next day after the team prayed, he had strength and was able to walk and has been walking perfectly fine ever since! The team asked him for his wheelchair since he doesn’t need it anymore, but he wouldn’t part with it, saying that it’s much easier to get around on wheels!