Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Dead Baby Lives!

This is the testimony from a Pastor in LaGrande, Oregon, where Pastor Marc was just ministering.

I wanted to tell you about an amazing miracle that happened here recently. Tiffany (from youth group...shorter & fiery red hair) heard some rumors about a friend of her's being pregnant. When she asked her about it, the girl was very upset b/c she had just found out that she had many cysts on her ovaries and that they could not find the babies heartbeat and that the baby was dead. Tiffany talked to her and then prayed for her that cysts would be gone and the baby would live. When the girl when to a specialist so they could figure out how to flush the fetus out of her body they first did an ultrasound and found that not only were her ovaries just fine with no cysts but the baby was alive and well...well enough to not hold still for the ultrasound!

Jesus is alive!