Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Miracle Weight Loss!

This is the testimony from one of our street teams, out and about in the neighborhoods surrounding Woodstock.

Earlier in the week, we went to visit some believers in a neighborhood we have been in several times before. We met up with a girl that we hadn’t seen for about a month and started asking how she was. Last month, we had the awesome privilege of leading her to Jesus. Her story was remarkable in that she had suffered a bunch of sexual abuse at the hands of her father and several other men. She was emotionally devastated and totally wrapped up in anger and unforgiveness. We spoke to her about the Lord’s forgiveness and she gave her life to Jesus and got powerfully delivered from the anger and bitterness. What we didn’t know and just found out is that after she met the Lord and we went home, she got on the phone and confronted all of the men that had raped and abused her, even her father. While she was on the phone, she released forgiveness, let go of her anger and told us that she felt 100lbs. lighter! That’s not unusual as we have seen many people after deliverance remark that they felt lighter.

What was unusual is what happened over the next thirty two days. We had not had the chance to meet up with her in a little over a month and finally got in touch with her. When we met with her, her voice was different, her countenance was different and she was beaming! We couldn’t quite place the dramatic change, but found out when her sister (who has yet to meet the Lord) told us what was going on. Get this, in thirty two days; she had lost over 50 pounds! That’s over one and a half pounds a day! We asked her about her diet and she told us that she was eating, just not as much as she used to, but the pounds were just falling off of her! This was a witness to the rest of the family and her sister was remarking about the power of God, even to lose weight! This opened the door for us to come back and have a house church with their family. Good fruit!