Thursday, August 13, 2009


* One of our outreach teams recently returned from ministering in Indiana. While there, we took folks from the church out on the streets to "do the stuff". This testimony comes from one of the young men in our group:

"We came upon a group of kids skateboarding in an empty lot and just sat down. One of the kids was trying to jump everyone else’s boards, so all were sitting and watching when he tweaked his ankle. He came up next to me and complained to his friend how much it hurt. I asked him scale 1-10 he reported a 4.

Me: "wanna see something cool?"

Him: "sure"

We commanded the ankle to immediately heal and the pain to go. He reported some reduction, but incomplete, so I instructed him to stand. When he did, all the rest of the pain left. I got a Word of Knowledge about him just beginning to learn to play guitar. He denied it, but then remembered that he had just begun before his accident- broke his shoulder months ago. Had now recovered and had not gone back to the guitar- just forgot about it. (This was a like attack by the enemy to abort this kid’s call by cutting off his gift at the root)

As I preached to him, he agreed that he should and would pick it back up. His girlfriend was sitting next to him. The girl that was with me had been ministering to her during my talk w/ the boy. She received healing for her wounded spirit, and forgave her parents for their wrongs, then, on her knees, accepted Jesus in front of all her friends."