Thursday, August 13, 2009

Healing For Breakfast!

* One of our outreach teams recently returned from ministering in Indiana. While there, we took folks from the church out on the streets to "do the stuff". This testimony comes from one of the young ladies in our group:

"On the way home we were eating breakfast at the hotel and I noticed an old man's hospital bracelet. We went to talk to him, and he wasn't too interested in what we were saying but his wife was listening. She began to talk about the tests and hospitals then told us that she had pain in her hip (or knee?). She said it was a level 10, so we all prayed and told her to go test it out. Before praying she said she couldn't walk 10 feet without intense pain. After the prayer she began to walk around, and all the pain left! She took a glory lap around the dining area, and then told us, "MY GOD! I CAN WALK!!!" haha, Jesus is good."