Saturday, January 08, 2011

Healing and prophesy at a Hospital!

An outreach team from the church were at a local hospital when they found a elderly couple getting some fresh air. The lady was in a wheelchair and a neck-brace. She explained to them that her spine had collapsed and two week ago they took her into the hospital. The doctors had completed two surgeries but had two more to go. Even though she was in a wheelchair, she could walk but was weak. Her pain level was 15 on a scale of 10 without medication, but at the moment it was a 7 with medication. The team prayed with her and as soon as they stopped praying she was still saying "praise God, Hallelujah, thank you Jesus, etc..." After 30 seconds or so, they asked "How is the pain now", the lady had a couple of tears starting to fall and said "The pain is gone". Even though she was still in a neck brace she was able to move her neck more than before. The team then began to prophesy over both of the women. Many were so accurate that they produced more tears from the lady and many puzzled questions from the man like: "How did you know that? You have been to my house! You have read my diary! How did you get here today? Where are you from?" They were both very encouraged and insisted on hugging each of us before they went back inside to their room.

"The pain is gone"