Friday, January 14, 2011

Healing leads to healing!

An outreach team from the church was recently ministering in a neighborhood in Atlanta. The team met two women standing outside and began to preach to them. One of said women, had constant knee pain at a level of 7 out of 10, the knee was also very weak. They explained that God could heal her instantly and shared 3 or so instant knee healing testimonies. They prayed and the woman was surprised when she tested out her knee by standing up without a problem. She said the pain went down to a 2. So the team prayed again and all the pain was gone! She was walking all around and was excited, after seeing her friend's healing the other woman asked for prayer. The other woman had a problem with her knee as well(Pain of 20 out of 10 and numbness). So the team had the lady that had just been healed pray for her friend and even though her friend was doubting at first she was shocked when the pain was all gone. She said it had been hurting for the past 8 years. She said "I feel like running!". Her friend was like "I told you it worked for me, now you are walking all around like me". The lady was really having trouble believing that it happened, but could not deny that the pain was gone. She was so surprised she had to sit back down, not because it hurt but because she was shocked!

"I believed in God, but this encouraged me".