Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Blind Eye Opened!

An outreach team was at a local hospital as part of an equipping event at the church and was looking for opportunities to advance the Kingdom through the power of God. While there they encountered a woman who recently has a stroke and lost use of her entire right side. She was getting some of the use of her limbs back, but since the stroke her right eye had been blinded. All that she could see was colors, she could make no distinction of shapes, etc. The team told her that there are no blind eyes in Heaven and that if Heaven came to her body, she would be healed!

As they prayed they asked her what was happening. She responded that something was in fact going on and that she could start to see shapes. Like Jesus in the Bible they prayed for her sight again. This time she started to get excited! The first words out of her mouth were, "They are going to think I was lying to them in the hospital now!" The team had her cover her good eye and started checking the bad eye, holding up fingers in front of her. She quickly called them out without any problem. They backed up and got about 12 feet from her and she continued to make the distinction of shapes as her vision was restored!

Nothing is impossible with God!