Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Healing Leads to Healing!

An outreach team was in a local park as part of an outreach event. They were looking for opportunities to demonstrate the Kingdom of God through signs and wonders. One of the team members encountered a gentleman who had recently been bitten by a brown recluse spider. The venom had devastated his leg and he was in intense pain and the wounds were itching terribly. The young lady from the team asked if she could pray for him telling him that there are no spider bites and intense pain in Heaven. As she prayed, the pain and itching left the wounds immediately! The man was excited and the team continued to minister to him.

Meanwhile a couple was in the park watching this exchange from a distance. The young lady in the couple walked up to the team doing the praying and asked for prayer. Come to find out the young lady had just been released om the hospital after being diagnosed with cancer in her abdomen. There were two visible tumors at the top of her hip, both about the size of golf balls. She had gone to the doctor because she could feel the masses as she walked and they caused her discomfort. The team, freshly instructed on bringing the Kingdom of God told them woman that there is no cancer and no tumors in Heaven. if Heaven came to her body, she would be healed!

They prayed and within a few seconds, one of the tumors completely disappeared! Everyone was excited and the lady began weeping and rejoicing. They didn't stop, but continued to pray for the other tumor to be destroyed. Within a minute it had shrunk to the size of a pea and just a couple of minutes later, had completely dissolved! Everyone was rejoicing and praising God right there in the park as the presence of God overshadowed the whole group!

Awesome God!