Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Shrinking Cyst!

Several weeks ago an outreach team encountered a woman and her daughter in a local neighborhood where they were preaching. Come to find out BOTH the woman and her daughter had cysts on their ovaries. This caused intensely painful periods and the doctors told the young girl that depending on the growth of the cyst on one of her ovaries, her ability to have children may be hindered. The outreach team told them both that there are no cysts in Heaven and if the reality of Heaven came into their bodies, then they would be healed! They prayed and agreed to check in on them in a couple of weeks.

Just a couple of weeks later they were back in the neighborhood and they ran into the young girl who had the cyst on one of her ovaries. They asked how she was and she told them, "Well, about a week ago I was having some pain in my abdomen and my Mom said that it was probably the cyst growing and that we should go to the doctors. I was upset because the doctors would have to operate to remove the cyst and there would be danger to my ovaries that could prevent me from having children. Anyway, long story short, I went in, the doctors took a look at the problem cyst and instead of it growing, it had shrunk to where the doctors said it posed absolutely no problem to my ovaries!"

Her Mom told the doctor about these strange people that had come to their house and prayed for the cyst to disappear and how God answered their prayer. The doctors reply was, "Wow, God still does miracles today, that is something else!"

Come on Jesus!