Wednesday, April 21, 2010

30 Years of Multiple Sclerosis Destroyed!

One our our equipping teams was recently ministering at a church in Indiana. The year before, a team had gone to an unsaved friend of the church secretary's house, which was literally haunted. After the team prayed over the home, she noticed a dramatic difference in the atmosphere in her home. So much so that she came back to the church the following year when the team returned, gave her life to Jesus and had a powerful encounter with the Lord.

The team found out that she had been suffering for 30 years with Multiple Sclerosis, with hospital stays, inability to walk, etc. and told her of God's will to heal her. She struggled initially, but eventually came to believe that the Lord would heal her and set her free.

This is the testimony we recently received by email from her friend:


She is the same lady that we had "The Ghost Busting" session with when you guys were here last summer!! So when I got her to come to the Saturday night service when you were here, your team prayed for her, you ministered to her and prayed for her. And that is when she began to actually BELIEVE that God wanted to heal her and could heal her! So on Sunday you prayed for her again and by that time she was ALL in for healing! Well she had her doctor appointment last week and they did another MRI and all of the shadows that had appeared over the last 2 yrs. (that represents the sclerosis) were gone, or had moved and were no longer a threat!!

Her doctor was AMAZED!! He said that in all of his years of practice he had only seen that happen maybe twice!! The doctor also told her that she wasn't the same person that he saw from the first time she came in!! Now she is on FIRE for Jesus and can not get enough!!

Thank you Jesus!!! And thank you NorthGate Team!!!