Thursday, May 20, 2010

Miracles @ Grady Hospital!

An outreach team recently went to a local hospital where they witnessed several miracles in one afternoon!

The first one was a man walking with crutches and a full leg cast. They approached him, told him that Jesus was King, and inquired about his leg. The man told them that his knee had been hit by a car and that he had just gotten the cast on two hours earlier. They asked if he had any pain in his knee and he said that his pain level was a 12 out of 10! They prayed and commanded all pain to leave and total restoration to his knee. After they prayed, his pain level went down to a four, so they prayed again and after the second time, the team began to prophesy over him. Just as they were about to leave they asked him to walk on his leg, told him all his pain was gone and if he was comfortable they would hold his crutches for him.

He walked on his cast with no pain whatsoever!

A little while later, they noticed a lady who was walking with a cane and in obvious pain. We approached her and proceeded to tell her the good news. After hearing some prophetic words, she let them command healing into her knee, which was at a pain level of 9 out of 10. Shortly after they prayed she got up and walked on her knee without her cane and had no pain!

She was so touched by God she even brought them to pray for her grandson in the hospital.