Thursday, May 06, 2010

Miracles In The House!

*Submitted by David Kurkjian

While recently visiting my brother in law in Indiana, he invited me to his weekly home group. The home group includes children in their activity of worship and sharing scripture. As we were getting ready to share, my brother in law introduced me to the group with "this is my brother in law from Atlanta, they're seeing a lot of miracles at his church". No pressure right?

They asked me to share some of the miracles I've seen and while I shared I also explained how we do it by proclaiming "the Kingdom of heaven is at hand". I mentioned that our kids are as active in bringing the Kingdom of heaven to people as the adults. To make my point I asked if there was anyone in our meeting that was in pain or needing healing. One of the mothers raised her hand and said she had chronic pain in her tail bone for about 7 years. I asked if it was in pain now to which she said yes. After giving the kids some basic instruction they laid hands on the mother and commanded the pain to go and healing to come. They then asked if she was still in pain and were surprised when she said no. Needless to say the home group was very encouraged by what they had just witnessed. So much so they're trying to find a way to bring a group of their youth to Atlanta for one of our equipping weekends.